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Search tips

Search tips

So that we can offer you the right cartridges, it is very important that you know your printer's model and manufacturer. We recommend you start navigating the "Shop by PRINTER MODEL" area.

Another way to find your right cartridge is to know the type of printer you have. For example, laser printers use toner cartridges, and inkjet printers use ink cartridges. If you know the type of cartridge you need, start navigating the "Shop by CARTRIDGES" area, and then select the manufacturer of your printer.

You can also use a search string to find your right cartridge. Just start typing your manufacturer's cartridge number or printer model, and you'll get a list of relevant queries. Simply select your specific cartridge or printer model from the list of results.

Still have questions?

Please ask your questions call toll free at 1-866-587-8640, or email us, and a knowledgeable customer service associate will help you. We're happy to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

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